“The hard-core lifeguards return decade after decade, like the swallows to Capistrano,” Greg Donaldson, who worked as a lifeguard at New York’s Jones Beach for twenty years, wrote once, in an essay for New York Magazine. The same is true of the photographer Joseph...
Joseph Szabo photographed the lifeguards at Jones Beach for 25 years. He saw things that most of us never will. Link to New York Times article: www.nytimes.com/2018/06/08/nyregion/photo-portfolio-of-jones-beach-lifeguards.html
Joseph Szabo was a frustrated high-school teacher in need of inspiration – so he started photographing his students, and captured all the angst and excitement of being caught between childhood and adulthood. Read the full article on Guardian.com:...
Photographer Joseph Szabo, best known for his pictures of teenagers, recently made a remarkable re-discovery—a very different body of work he calls Hometown—pictures taken four decades ago that he had all but forgotten. Link to Time.com:...